The New York Times > Books > Hunter S. Thompson, 65, Author, Commits Suicide
The New York Times > Books > Hunter S. Thompson, 65, Author, Commits Suicide
Would like to know more about how this happen. He was a wild and crazy guy. His insight will be missed. |
Comments on "The New York Times > Books > Hunter S. Thompson, 65, Author, Commits Suicide"
"His major foray into public life occurred in 1970, when he decided that "there might be some serious fun in politics" and duly stood for Sheriff of Pitkin County, Colorado on a platform of drug decriminalisation. The Republican candidate sported a crew cut, which prompted the contrary author to shave his head entirely and refer to his rival as "my long-haired opponent" throughout the campaign. He lost by a handful of votes.",6109,1419500,00.html