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Thursday, September 15, 2005 Bloomberg Columnists">
Bloomberg Columnists: "Bush Says OK, Blame Me; Now Let's Spend Money: Margaret Carlson
Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- You know the world is out of whack
when it takes resume inflation to finally move Michael Brown out
of his job running the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
You'd think letting thousands of Hurricane Katrina victims
suffer over four days without food, water, medicine or airlifts
would have prompted President George W. Bush to declare,
``Brownie, you're fired.''
Instead, it wasn't until Time magazine reported that Brown's
bio listed him as assistant city manager in Edmond, Oklahoma,
rather than assistant TO THE city manager, that Brown got the
heave-ho from running Katrina operations on Sept. 9. He resigned
from FEMA three days later.
But the world is really strange when the person who was
responsible accepts responsibility and that makes headlines.
``President Says He's Responsible in Storm Lapses,'' the New York
Times said on its front page yesterday. Congratulations to the
president were all over TV. You'd think he'd picked up a bullhorn
and said he was going to get rid of anyone on whose watch those 34
invalids at St. Rita's nursing home died.
Good Old Boys
It took a while, but Bush realized that his default response
to criticism wasn't working. Stubborn denial coupled with boyish
mannerisms -- backslapping good-old boy Governor Haley Barbour,
commiserating with Mississippi Senator Trent Lott about his lost
mansion in Pascagoula, strumming a guitar at an event in San Diego
like Tom Cruise in ``Risky Business'' -- aren't enough when we can
actually see the bodies floating in black water and feel the
misery of people who trusted the government to help them.
It's just not going to do this time to toss off a line about
trading Sammy Sosa when asked if he'd made any mistakes going
after Osama."

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