Real news for Stewart: Wife arrested
NY Daily News: "Jon Stewart could be forgiven if he arrived a little late to yesterday's taping of 'The Daily Show.' He was busy getting his wife, Tracey McShane, out of jail.
The normally wisecracking comic looked understandably anxious as he waited while his handcuffed sweetheart spent close to five hours being booked for driving with a suspended license. McShane, 36, was driving through Central Park around 11 a.m. when she was pulled over for a moving violation, police confirmed to us. Stewart's spokesman, Matt Labov, said: 'She wasn't speeding. But the police discovered that she had a suspended license. She didn't even realize it. She paid a ticket last week. But apparently her check hadn't been processed.' Following procedure, cops impounded her car, cuffed her, loaded her into a squad car and took her to Central Booking. There, police sources said, she was fingerprinted, posed for a mug shot and held while cops checked to see if there were any outstanding warrants for the arrest of the mother of 8-month-old Nathan Stewart. A squad car eventually took her back to the Central Park station, where her husband, 42, was waiting for her. Police said she was issued a desk appearance ticket. McShane, a veterinary technician who shies from the spotlight, smiled as she was photographed during her perp walk - as though she half-expected 'Daily Show' correspondent Rob Corddry to pop out with a mike. Labov said, 'She's out, and she's fine. Jon said the cops were very nice and professional.'" |