Dear Dr. Reisman,I think there are many of us who've wondered how it is possible that so many priests are pedophiles. Although we rejected the secularist explanation that the Church's repressive sexual policies were at fault, we had no reasonable theory to compete with it. Claims promoted by you and others that it was the result of a homosexual conspiracy did not ring true--too many of the assaults were heterosexual in nature.Now, thanks to your collaboration with the makers of the documentary, Rape of the Soul, we finally have a satisfactory explanation for those despicable crimes: the priests' wills were subverted by subliminal images, ranging from penises to demonic faces, incorporated into sacred works of art.Although this is certainly the best work you've done since Captain Kangaroo, I'm concerned that you may have overlooked the most important work of Christian art ever created, Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. It's a very powerful film, an orgy of blood, torn flesh, and suffering that's revived our faith and replenished our thirsty souls.Yet there was something that always bothered me about it. At first, I was uncomfortable with the way it aroused me, but then I noticed that everyone in my Patriots of the Bible study group had the same reaction when we discussed the biblical justification for torture. That served as confirmation that I was aroused for the right reasons.It was only after reading about Rape of the Soul that I considered the possibility that subliminal imagery might have been incorporated into The Passion of the Christ. A quick scan through the video proved this to be true. The clearest example comes in the scene where Jesus is carrying his cross through the streets of Jerusalem. I'm enclosing a frame from that scene, along with an enhanced image for your examination. As you can see, it shows Spongebob Squarepants being orally pleasured by Tinky Winky as Alfred Kinsey takes notes. Seeing this, it's no wonder the film made me uncomfortable.I don't see any references to The Passion of the Christ in the trailer for Rape of the Soul. I hope that doesn't mean that it isn't addressed in the film. Heterosexually yours,Gen. JC Christian, patriot"